To Hatch or Not to Hatch?

A quote by C.S. Lewis just blew my mind. I read it in a devotional book one of my pastor friends at church let me borrow. It is an amazing book, I’ll post the title below and a link where you can purchase it.

I guess what I want to do is quickly break this quote down, from what I got from it and see what you get from it. I encourage you to post below and share any thoughts you have on it.

An egg turning into a bird. Makes sense, right? Seriously, God is so beyond us, He is amazing! I may not understand all of how the cells work and how they develop into a feathered birdy, but it does. It takes a WHOLE LOT of time and patience for that to happen. Lots of sitting and waiting and warmth and sitting…..and more sitting. Moving along. I am one of the biggest offenders of lacking patience for things to mature or change. I think it is part my personality and a little bit of society too. We are so quick for things to happen and want instant change. We have lost a lot of our ability to wait and do it with a good attitude…..(that last part is really important.)

Attitude and perspective can change a lot in a situation. It also takes work. Yup, good old fashioned elbow grease. That 4 letter word, frankly sucks at times. But changing into who God has called us to be has nothing to do with who we are and what we do, but it is ALL about Him. He changes us. He slowly, patiently, and oh so lovingly cares for us and watches us mature and become who HE created us to be. When we try to work in our own strength, we become tired. Tired of trying to do enough, be enough, say the right words, make the right choices and take the roads of least resistance. It’s all about comfort, either ours or others. But ultimately not our growth. Think about it working out hurts, but it’s worth it. Child birth…..need I say more? Totally worth it though. 😉

Growing hurts at times, hence the term “Growing Pains.” This is where an egg trying to fly comes in for me. It is how we look, like eggs with wings coming out of it.(Try and picture that, so silly.) Unable to care for itself, or know where to go, and forget about protecting itself. Impossible! This in my opinion is us “trying” change ourselves, in our strength. God’s focus is creating us into the image of Christ and that goes against our “nature” so at times it hurts more than others, but it is incredibly worth it. So, will you “hatch” or go “bad?” Because we all know an egg can’t fly. 🙂

That’s all I have. That was my Word from my Daddy to me today and I’m so happy I got to share it. Like I said the name of the book is, Devotional Classics by Foster and Smith. You can check out a sample below on Amazon. You may find it in a book store or your library. Until next time,

His Princess~ Charmaine


Quick Stop

Hi, everyone. Just wanted to say I’m still here! Been a crazy past few weeks, But God is good and faithful. Check in this week, hopefully the first half for a new post. I hope you are all blessed, 

His Princess~ Charmaine

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