It’s okay to not be okay for a bit

This is worth the 3 minutes you take to watch it. To see how different life challenges can cloud our lives and who we see ourselves to be. No matter how false. I love her honesty and can say I have completely been there and had a lot of the same fears. I look so forward to the day I get to minister and share my journey with other women. ‪#‎HisPrincess‬ ‪#‎PressOn‬ Romans 8:38-39

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or any mental illness please seek help. Ask for prayer, go to a good counselor, and see your doctor. It’s okay to not be okay for a bit, but it’s not okay to suffer alone.

God Bless

Why So Serious?

What a question! Seriously? What is there not to be serious about? Finances, family, solving all the world’s problems and wars before bedtime. Maybe you have asked yourself these questions before, or am I all alone in this? Am I a good wifImagee? Am I a good mother? What to be when I grow up? Who am I? Where do I fit in this great big world? Or how about this one, “Why me?” Oh, yea, I know I have asked this one crying into my pillow with makeup running down my face as I drown in a deep, deep pool of self-pity and reasoning. I mean I grapple on a daily basis with at least one of these issues. I have realized in these past few months, that I do almost everything with this great sense of urgency. Now, mind you very few things are that urgent, but in my head they are. If they don’t get done or if they don’t get done “right” it’s gonna all hit the fan. I was drying my hands this morning and I noticed my shoulders were tight..T-I-G-H-T. Why in the world would I be tense while doing something so menial? It’s not like drying my hands is going to fix anything. Other than put a dent in the spread of germs. 😉

The dictionary defines the word tension like this: anxious feelings: mental worry or emotional strain that makes natural relaxed behavior impossible. Wow! That is where I live, in a state of tension and anxiety, more days than I’d like to admit. But God has been teaching me a lot through all of this about worry, anxiety, stress, and reasoning. I don’t have to do it or deal with them. I can turn over to Him all that causes me fear and anxiety. I don’t have to play 20 questions while I’m in Child’s pose during Yoga or get headaches while I trying to enjoy my quiet time. You see, there is a strategy to being still. I find that it is a fine art and is an intentional act. When I am concerned about what is going to happen today, tomorrow, or even what happened yesterday, I am being robbed! Just straight up robbed. There are no two ways about it. Now we would automatically want to go and say “It’s Satan!” or fill in the blank. But we are also at fault in this. Let me elaborate.

You see when we try to reason and figure out everything, we put no trust into the very capable hands of God, where all of our trust should be in the first place. I cannot fix all the issues or take on the circumstances that come my way. But I can take them to Jesus and trade them over for His peace, joy, and a state of being still.(John 14:27) That is where the intentional part comes in. We have to be willing to hand everything over to God and leave it. And when necessary take our anxieties back when they try to creep back up on us.(and a lot of times they do) Ah, to be still and just know.(Psalm 46:10) Know that He is able. Know that He sees the end from the beginning.(Isaiah 46:10) Know that He has a plan for each and every thing that has happened in my life and that He can use the good, the bad, and the ugly.(Jeremiah 29:11,Romans 8:28) To be able to say it is well with my soul and truly believe it. How awesome is that?! When we worry and stress we are robbed of strength, energy, peace, joy, and life.(Luke 12:22-31) Jesus came to give us life and life MORE abundantly than we can do for ourselves.(John 10:10) No amount of being right, perfect, or “good enough,” will ever give us the life that God has had planned for us since before the world began. He has only our best intentions at heart for us. He loves us! I know it is a hard thing to do, hand over control, but Who better to give your cares to than Jesus? He will take care of you. He will encourage you when you feel like you are at your lowest. He will love you unconditionally, without any prerequisites or hoops to jump through. How beautiful a thought. (Luke 12:7) To be accepted just as we are, broken, anxious, hurt, angry, frazzled, and unglued. That He takes us, broken pots, and see a beautiful way to display His love and goodness through us. That He sees our messes and makes a beautiful, unique, one of a kind message and shares it with others.

His Princess~ Charmaine

*I challenge you (and myself) to read over the scriptures above and hide them in your heart. Write them in your journal, highlight them in your Bible, or leave stick notes of them all over your home. So that when all of those anxious thoughts try to creep in, we are ready to combat them with God’s word.

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