It’s okay to not be okay for a bit

This is worth the 3 minutes you take to watch it. To see how different life challenges can cloud our lives and who we see ourselves to be. No matter how false. I love her honesty and can say I have completely been there and had a lot of the same fears. I look so forward to the day I get to minister and share my journey with other women. ‪#‎HisPrincess‬ ‪#‎PressOn‬ Romans 8:38-39

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or any mental illness please seek help. Ask for prayer, go to a good counselor, and see your doctor. It’s okay to not be okay for a bit, but it’s not okay to suffer alone.

God Bless

Plan and Purpose

A little encouragement for the journey. ^_^ I know it’s a bit long, but I really feel like God wanted someone to hear it. If you got to pause and come back to finish later, go ahead it’s all good. 😉 I hope you are blessed,

In Christ~ His Princess

Keep Watch!

Keep Watch!

What a wonderful thing to be able to go to Jesus and pray, even though it has been hard to hit my knees lately. I feel better, refreshed, at peace, and love very much despite all of my short comings. I watched an episode of CSI, the one with that dude, who “thinks” a lot. We don’t watch that and other shows for many reasons, but this one made me uneasy and uncomfortable. I was anxious and felt just plain icky afterwards. The Bible says in Proverbs 4:23(NLT) 23 “Guard your heart above all else,for it determines the course of your life.”
Because I disliked/hated the feeling of unease from the show, I literally hit my knees for the first time in over a month. But the freedom I feel now from confessing my sin, fears, frustrations, and all of the things that have been bogging me down lately, is nothing short of amazing.
There really and truly is peace, comfort, and power in the name of Jesus. Big or small it doesn’t matter. He heard all of it and even though it was HARD to get up off the floor, it was WORTH every minute of the time I spent with Him in his presence. I did most of the talking, all of it, but I love knowing that He put all of Heaven on hold to listen and minister to me His Princess. I have a WHOLE lot to learn and A LOT of healing that needs to happen, but I’m so grateful He chose me and wants me and has a wonderful plan for my life.
So when was the last time you talked with Jesus? I can promise you He will always have an open ear and time for you. What are you waiting for? Go have a little talk with Jesus. ^_^
~His Princess, Charmaine
#theblessedlife #HisPrincess #Lionnessarising


<a href="” title=”Let’s get Organized, Organized!”>Let’s get Organized, Organized!

The family planner to get even the most unorganized of us organized and life running a bit more smoothly. As many of you know I am not the most organized, but this helps. I was struck by it’s cuteness and versatility, so you know I had to have it!  Check it out! 😉 


Gamers: Angry Birds

Ya, our church is awesome! God answered a lot of things Sean and I had just talked about Friday in service Saturday. I love how He hears us and answers us. I know all of it wasn’t for me, because I know healing needs to take place. There’s a lot of junk still to get sifted through. I also know a lot of it WAS for ME and He is still working on me and my emotions. I am learning to take what is for me and what is just good to remember and glean from. I’m grateful He is full of patience and loves me enough to not leave me how He found me and that He is always molding me into who He has called/created me to be. He sees me for all that I am and will be, even if nobody else does. And I love that about Him, He has stolen my heart. My life, my heart is His. ❤ His Princess, Charmaine


Made to Help

Ladies, we have a responsibility to honor our husbands in such a way that honors God. We shouldn’t be tearing them down, bad mouthing them to our friends, blaming every difficulty we have in our lives on them. We too have to take responsibility. Unless we want to be like a dripping faucet, LoL. (Prov.27:15) Smeesh that verse, ugh….
Our “job” is to uplift them, encourage them, support them and at times correct them IN LOVE! Because God has given us wisdom too. Am I right?  And yes, it is the same for them, but if you are going to call me and everything that comes out of your mouth is blame, resentment, and just beating your husband up with your words; I’m going to tell you what I think.
I think I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear about how YOU tell Him what to do and if HE had JUST listened to YOU none of this would be happening. I do know that we are given Words from God to speak to our men, but we were not created to belittle them, but show them how awesome they are to HELP them. (Gen.1:27,2:18,) our husbands are the head of our households (Eph.5:22-27; 1 Pet.3:1-5,7) and we should treat them with respect and love. And they should ABSOLUTELY be treating you with love as Christ loved the church!
Instead of complaining, let us pray for our husbands. Let us cover them in the Truth of God’s Word and promises that are in it. Ask God to change us as well in the process. This was not me pointing my fingers at anyone, I have a long way to go also. But a challenge to all of us as wives and myself included. A call to be the helper that only YOU can be for your husband. Be encouraged, it’s a long way home, but God has equipped us to do the things He has called us to. We can do this! Love y’all 

To Hatch or Not to Hatch?

A quote by C.S. Lewis just blew my mind. I read it in a devotional book one of my pastor friends at church let me borrow. It is an amazing book, I’ll post the title below and a link where you can purchase it.

I guess what I want to do is quickly break this quote down, from what I got from it and see what you get from it. I encourage you to post below and share any thoughts you have on it.

An egg turning into a bird. Makes sense, right? Seriously, God is so beyond us, He is amazing! I may not understand all of how the cells work and how they develop into a feathered birdy, but it does. It takes a WHOLE LOT of time and patience for that to happen. Lots of sitting and waiting and warmth and sitting…..and more sitting. Moving along. I am one of the biggest offenders of lacking patience for things to mature or change. I think it is part my personality and a little bit of society too. We are so quick for things to happen and want instant change. We have lost a lot of our ability to wait and do it with a good attitude…..(that last part is really important.)

Attitude and perspective can change a lot in a situation. It also takes work. Yup, good old fashioned elbow grease. That 4 letter word, frankly sucks at times. But changing into who God has called us to be has nothing to do with who we are and what we do, but it is ALL about Him. He changes us. He slowly, patiently, and oh so lovingly cares for us and watches us mature and become who HE created us to be. When we try to work in our own strength, we become tired. Tired of trying to do enough, be enough, say the right words, make the right choices and take the roads of least resistance. It’s all about comfort, either ours or others. But ultimately not our growth. Think about it working out hurts, but it’s worth it. Child birth…..need I say more? Totally worth it though. 😉

Growing hurts at times, hence the term “Growing Pains.” This is where an egg trying to fly comes in for me. It is how we look, like eggs with wings coming out of it.(Try and picture that, so silly.) Unable to care for itself, or know where to go, and forget about protecting itself. Impossible! This in my opinion is us “trying” change ourselves, in our strength. God’s focus is creating us into the image of Christ and that goes against our “nature” so at times it hurts more than others, but it is incredibly worth it. So, will you “hatch” or go “bad?” Because we all know an egg can’t fly. 🙂

That’s all I have. That was my Word from my Daddy to me today and I’m so happy I got to share it. Like I said the name of the book is, Devotional Classics by Foster and Smith. You can check out a sample below on Amazon. You may find it in a book store or your library. Until next time,

His Princess~ Charmaine


Quick Stop

Hi, everyone. Just wanted to say I’m still here! Been a crazy past few weeks, But God is good and faithful. Check in this week, hopefully the first half for a new post. I hope you are all blessed, 

His Princess~ Charmaine

A little encouragement! He has us, I love that truth and promise.

A little encouragement! He has us, I love that truth and promise.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”


Breathe….Just Breathe


     Today has been a rough day! Shoot the past few weeks have been hard on me. I just want to breathe. Inhale and exhale. To be allowed the luxury of taking a step back and not feeling overwhelmed. Or feeling that I have to have an answer or fix something/someone. If any of you have dealt with anxiety/panic/depression or know someone who does, you know it can be a hard thing to live with.

      I don’t think people really get it. I’m not sure it’s fair to expect them to completely understand. How can we expect that? I do feel like respecting our feelings is fair. Understanding, that this sucks and isn’t a fun thing to deal with. I know also, it effects the whole family. I also don’t feel like it is fair to expect a person who has this issue, to “just stop.” How about you “just stop!” I know that sounds harsh, but it’s where I am in this moment. I just get so tired, worn out, and UGH!!!! My emotions are indicators, NOT dictators!  I do have some things I want to say, but tonight isn’t the night for it. Maybe in the morning or another day. I’m so ready for bed and a good nights rest. Night, night y’all ^_^

His Princess~ Charmaine

Check this video out, I love it. So beautiful and my hearts cry.

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